What the Disk Space Full Message Means On Your Mac or PC

31 Days of Spring Cleaning: Manage Your Disk Space

We've talked a lot about backing up your data and photos this month, but have you ever thought about how much space you're using, and for what? If you have your computer stocked full of movies, MP3s, files, and applications and hardly ever trash anything, then it's no wonder you get that strange error message that pops up saying that your "disk space is almost full." I'm sure (like me) you've bypassed that little note saying to yourself "yeah, right" or freaked out and had the geek squad on the phone before you could say microchip.

In either case, it's a good idea to get a handle on what you are storing on your hard drive (or hard disk as it's so lovingly called) so those nasty messages don't keep popping up and ruining your fun. I'm a visual gal, which is why I use Disk Inventory X to see what is on my hard drive. It's mapped out so that I understand what a big chunk of space that burned copy of BSG: Razor or my entire ELO collection is really taking up. To see why Disk Inventory X holds a special place in my heart, just read more.

Disk Inventory X is not only a great way to get you to delete unused or unwanted files, but it's an awesome learning tool that will help you visualize what 657 megabytes or four gigabytes looks like on your hard drive. Disk Inventory X is free for Mac users, you can download at any time, and it's totally easy-peasy to use. Plus, there's a one-minute instructional video that will walk you through getting started, so you don't have to call in the cavalry to save you. It's all gonna be okay. I promise.

Fear not, PC users— there's something for you too! Check out WinDirStat for Windows and KDirStat for Linux.
