Digital Note Apps

31 Days of Spring Cleaning: Convert Paper Notes to Digital

Neon-colored Post-its all over your workstation certainly may brighten the surroundings, but it's doing nothing for your productivity or organizational skills. Get with the digital jotting and convert the mess of paper stickies ruling your life into neatly organized electronic notes and reminders. Sign up for these apps and websites to stay on your game. And if you really can't let go of the Day-Glo vibe, use their powers for good by crafting a pixelated mural on your wall with the remaining Post-its.

  • Evernote — Capture an idea online, on your phone, tablet, desktop, basically anywhere, and it will sync with your entire Evernote account. Record in various mediums including voice, photos, texts, you name it.
  • Simplenote — For collaborating types, choose this app to share brainstorming notes and keep the team spirit going.
  • Grocery IQ — Build a smart grocery list in this app that will keep you on budget, add more items with the scan of a bar code, organize lists by store, and even download coupons for major savings.
  • Pinterest — People use Pinterest in all sorts of ways, from a style board to a recipe box. Create boards based on any and every subject on which you've found yourself writing paper notes.
  • Oh, Don't Forget . . . — You likely keep Post-its around, worried you'll miss an important deadline. Let the magical mind of computers do the worrying for you. Enter a reminder message, and the service will send your cell a text at the time you appointed.

What online source do you use to keep organized?
