iPhone Camera Tips

9 Quick Tips For Better iPhoneography

With the HD powers of the iPhone 4S camera, iPhoneography is a medium even professional photographers praise. If you've become obsessed with capturing images on your mobile phone, here are nine quick tips from Stephanie Roberts to maximize your shooting style, efficiency, and effectiveness.

  1. Discover your go-to shooting app and keep it within thumb reach on your home screen.
  2. Get comfortable shooting with one hand.
  3. Play with lighting and exposure effects by tapping on different areas of the screen.
  4. If the image is well composed, don't delete it! You can work wonders with apps!
  5. Capture different patterns and textures and consider using them as layers in various apps.
  6. Few apps meet all your creative needs. Use multiple apps to create your own personal style.
  7. Back up your photos often and keep your apps up to date!
  8. Go to "Settings" to adjust photo app settings for maximum image quality on capture and save.
  9. Keep a charger or battery pack handy. Taking photos and editing in multiple apps is taxing on the battery.

Source: Instagram user KristyKorcz

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